The Best Way to Install Node.js, npm and yarn on Mac OSX

The best way to install Node.js on Mac is nvm
You can use the install script for nvm
$ curl -o- | bash
relaunch your Terminals and check nvm version
$ nvm --version
List your installed node versions if any:
$ nvm list
It is safe if you choose one of the most recent LTS (long time support) versions and install it with the following command:
$ nvm install --lts
Or if you want to install any specific LTS version use below to install that.
$ nvm install <node-version>
So if the latest LTS version of Node is 10.15.3
$ nvm install 10.15.3
Setup this version as the default.
$ nvm use <node-version>
Check your node version with
$ node -v
In case, you want to upgrade node
$ nvm install <node-version> --reinstall-packages-from=<old-node-version>
To Uninstall Node
$ nvm uninstall <node-version>
Switching between various nodes versions
$ nvm use <node-version>
$ nvm use node (switch to latest Node.js version)
npm is installed as a package with Node
Check the version
$ npm -v
To upgrade npm
$ npm install -g npm@latest
To install yarn
$ npm install -g yarn
Check the version
$ yarn -v